May 2024

The Challenges and Benefits of an Integrated Infrastructure Plan
Recently, I gathered with many of my colleagues from the water, transportation and infrastructure realms for a discussion about the potential of integrated infrastructure planning. With many of our clients, we are rethinking how we master plan, design, and program various infrastructure types within the right of way. The main idea is to take advantage of planned construction or excavation projects, enabling the installation of all necessary infrastructure without repeated disruptions to the same area. Here are some takeaways from the discussion that I wanted to share with all of you.
What are the challenges of integrated infrastructure planning?
  • Different owners with different priorities: Bringing in different shareholders means that not everyone will be on the same page. A transportation owner may want to prioritize safety and efficiency, while a telecom owner wants to prioritize generating revenue. It can be difficult to manage those competing interests, but common ground and alignment can be achieved through collaborative goal setting.
  • Funding schedules and shortfalls: Different stakeholders and projects have various funding schedules and shortfalls. For instance, one piece of infrastructure might have funds available in fiscal year 2024, while another is slated for 2028. Bridging this gap requires careful planning.
  • Policy: Navigating policy requirements across different sectors can be intricate but is essential. Policies can either facilitate or hinder infrastructure projects.
  • Permit limitations: Permitting processes vary by region and infrastructure type. Overcoming these hurdles is crucial for successful implementation.
  • Liability: Activities within the right of way carry liability implications. Owners of the right of way and various infrastructure components share responsibility, so being sensitive to that is essential.
Challenges for sure, but what are the benefits?
  • Streamlined construction: Integrated planning leads to more efficient construction, minimizing redundancies and delays.
  • Regional collaboration: Encouraging collaboration among stakeholders allows for joint efforts in achieving common goals.
  • Safer communities: Enhancing infrastructure safety contributes significantly to community well-being.
  • Fewer construction mobilizations: By combining projects, disruptions caused by frequent construction activities can be minimized, benefiting businesses and residents.
  • Lower total construction cost: Optimizing resource utilization and executing projects on a more limited basis ultimately drives down overall costs.
  • Accomplishing more resilient infrastructure goals at a regional level: By considering multiple infrastructure types, you’re able to address resilience at a broader level.
Overall, an integrated infrastructure plan offers both challenges and significant benefits. It requires thoughtful coordination, policy alignment, and a focus on shared goals to create a more efficient and resilient future. I’d love to discuss this more with you; don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions!
Additional Resources
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Glastonbury roundabouts cut collisions by 60%, enhancing safety and user convenience.
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