November 2024

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pose significant environmental and health risks leading to increased regulatory pressure on industries to limit the discharge of PFAS in their wastewater. In 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiated changes to the effluent limitation guidelines (ELG) under Plan 15 to evaluate and manage PFAS discharge to the environment through programs such as the NPDES permit process. ELGs are national standards that set the maximum allowable pollutant levels in wastewater discharges from industrial and commercial facilities. The EPA is considering developing ELGs for each industry sector based on discharge monitoring reporting (DMR). Some states have also started implementing their own PFAS discharge limits, creating variability for industrial dischargers.

This presentation will provide an overview of PFAS and ELGs and discuss the federal and state-level regulations, challenges, case studies, treatment technologies, costs, and considerations for negotiating discharge limits with regulators. Watch now and earn a PDH. 

Tamzen Macbeth, PhD, PE
Mathur Samir FEB2022-3.jpg
Mark Salvetti, PE

Samir Mathur, PE, BCEE
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